Actix park merida yucatan
Actix park merida yucatan

“just looking around at lots of rocks” then it started to be.“here we are going a little deeper into the cave”.Then was our new friend K2, he is 13 years old and while he was quite skeptical about the entire process he pulled through and made it to the end… He started out doing a video blog, little details like: Holy crap! bouncing on your butt in the dark towards rocks that you are hoping to use to steer with your feet as you hit them was not my idea of fun! Evan would love to do more of these and just wanted to make sure I would take him again next week! Evan especially loved the ending where we where halfway up the cave, and then we had to climb up to the top by rope, all in order to get more speed while sliding down the muddy slope to the bottom. These two were fearless and often came back to check on me and then raced off ahead to the leader. “K2” otherwise known as Kalen getting ready for the next tight spot…īut I digress a little, next in age we had Evan and Alex at 10 years of old, and they are quite skinny and loved sliding and crawling through the mud. No, my stomach is not that big and neither is my butt! but at times there was less space than that as you pulled yourself through twisting around rocks in your way, squishing and contorting your body in awful ways. well I believe space in the cave in quite a few places was limited in space to where my stomach was on the ground and my butt was touching the roof of the cave at the same time. Well why on earth would you crawl like that you might ask. We had some amazing kids with us today who all did an exceptional job conquering any fears they had, and any fears they may have seen the big guy exhibit! The youngest with us on the aventura tour was Noah at 8 years old, and he was a trooper – climbing ropes, sliding down slippery, muddy slopes, army crawling through tight little spaces… Wait! back up a minute – army crawling – oh yes, it felt like I crawled on my elbows dragging my legs behind me for miles. But wait, nobody really tells you what is in store for you so off you go blindly leading the fearless leader into the abyss. HOLY S#%^(! Ok, if you are 6 feet tall and “slightly” over 220 pounds you should stop at this point and join the family group who are going to enjoy a casual stroll through the caves, sipping water casually as they observe some pretty cool rock formations and quartz. We quickly help everyone down the ladder and off we go… We all start off the tour into the caves at the same spot, nicely built ladder securely fastened to the rock descending into the pit. Ok, warning bells should have been going off at this time about how much space would be available in the cave…nope… off goes the back pack and off on the great adventure everybody goes. So far so good, lets go! Wait a minute they say, the big guy with the backpack can’t go in like that, he needs to leave the backpack behind… Well “why is that?” asks the big guy… you won’t fit in the cave with a back pack on, nobody can go through the “aventura” caves with a back pack. The family trip was about a 90 minute tour, the aventure 2 hours, and the extreme I believe they said 6 hours… So we split up and the people in the familiar group paid 50 pesos per person while those in the aventura group each paid 80 pesos. Ok this was ok, now we had to divide our group into pieces as there are three types of tours available here: familiar (family) aventura (adventurous) and extrema (yup, extreme). Upon arrival we all got ready, had some quick sandwiches put on our backpacks and runners and went to pay. Ok, when we were invited by our friends to visit some caves in the area, we had no idea what we were in for! How big could caves in Mexico be? How can there be caves in the Yucatan which is flat? Calcehtok Grutas are about an hour and a half drive from Progreso and have over 4 km of explored caves with many more to yet be explored.

Actix park merida yucatan